
monte lema中文是什么意思

  • 莱马山
  • 例句与用法
  • A chair lift opened in 1952 to Monte Lema ( ) and expanded in 1997 with a cable car.
  • The municipality is located in the Lugano district, on a terrace in the upper Malcantone valley at the foot of Monte Lema.
  • "' Monte Lema "'( 1, 621 m ) is a mountain of the Lugano Prealps, located on the border between Switzerland and Italy.
  • Reaching a height of 1, 962 metres above sea level, it is the highest summit of the chain located between Lake Maggiore and Lake Lugano, which also includes Monte Lema.
  • Meanwhile, the Lake Lugano region is offering a series of 30 one-day hikes, including the Monte Lema to Monte Tamaro trek, the Sentiero delle Meraviglie in the Malcantone region, a visit to the Cantine de Gandria, as well as mountain biking in Val Colla.
  • 推荐法语阅读
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